Next Gen
Today's children are tomorrow's Generation. Welcome to children's Ministries at Hosanna church where children ages 7 through 15 experience an authentic worship service, hear sound Biblical instruction and make connections with adult leaders and other children
Every Saturday
8Am to 10 Am
Z Generation to Elevate
Today's children are tomorrow's Generation. Welcome to children's Ministries at Hosanna church where children ages 7 through 15 experience an authentic worship service, hear sound Biblical instruction and make connections with adult leaders and other children
Every Saturday
8Am to 10 Am
Corporate Worship service
We welcome everyone and empower each one to walk the path of Faith. We meet every Saturday to fellowship, study the Bible, encourage and pray for one another.
Time: 8 Am to 10 Am
( Time may be varied according to our church announcement)
DMM- Disciples Making Movement
DMM, short for Disciples Making Movement , is a small group of people that meet regularly, share their lives with each other, study the Bible together, and are accountable to each other, all in the pursuit of being more Christ-likeness to create Disciples making Movement in Nepali speaking diaspora.
Training isn't just important, it is vital. The need of this world is enormous. People all around the world are dying daily without the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The harvest is ripe. The call is urgent. The laborers are few.
We held trainings and seminars once a month to equip many believers to reach out to the entire world carrying the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please be connected with us for next training and Seminar Update.
Ladies meet
Any woman in the church needs to be just as equally able to wield the sword of the Spirit and shield of Faith to defend the truth as any man. Hosanna church welcome all ladies to be a part of this ministry.
Please be connected with us for latest announcement of Ladies Meet.
We're a warm, friendly, loving church that places high value on the teaching of God's word, and prayer. We visit every door of our believers to take care of their spiritual life.
Please feel free to contact us if you need urgent prayer.
Couple's seminars
These seminars and services are designed to build intimacy in couples and relationships becoming a Better "Me" in the "We" trusting and relying upon God alone.
We will give an announcement for next couple's seminar. Stay with us.
Disasters relief & rapid response
Hosanna church contributes to human society through its various activities such as emergency relief efforts, environmental protection efforts and promoting childrens welfare and senior citizens welfare.
HCPM (Home Church Planting Movement)
We believe the best strategy for fulfilling the Great Commission is by planting and replanting churches. Church planting is the most effective strategy for seeing lives and communities transformed by the Gospel .our church planting movement is designed to prepare leaders to steward their gifts for maximum impact.
Food Bank
A place where stocks of food, typically basic provisions and Non perishable items, are supplied free of charge to people in need.
The success of our mission depends upon the active compassion of our supporters.we are deeply grateful to those individuals, organizations and businesses that give so generously of their time and resources. Together, we are making our community a happier, healthier place to live .