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Firstly, we give all glory to God for the amazing achievement of the ministry. For 25 years HCM had followed the traditional ministry model to reach people. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many prominent pastors and leaders died and consequently, churches were closed. At the time, Pastor Raju Sundas was desperately seeking God and asking Him for ways to bring the gospel to the people, ways that cannot be disrupted by pandemic or other catastrophes. He was challenged by a faithful partner Mr. Ryan Skoog to read the Training for Trainers (T4T) book and to translate it to Nepali. The pandemic finally paved the way for HCM to embrace the new approach which is that of house church planting. Nepal has 125 people groups, of which 92 are unreached and unengaged meaning the people in these groups have not heard the Gospel, have not heard of Jesus.
Our vision for HCM is to reach 92 unreached & unengaged people groups of Nepal to plant 100000 house churches by 2035. By this dmm_frontend movement we are trusting in the Lord to lead and discipleship 1.2 million people for the Glory of our Lord Christ.
Love God, Love Others
Obey God's word and Authorities
Manage The Family
Spiritual Growth
1 Engage
2 Evangelize
3 Equip
4 Empower
09 August